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Chrystal Evans Hurst is an encourager who teaches people to love God, to love others, and to love themselves. Chrystal is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of 2. She is also a speaker and the best-selling author of She's Still There and Kingdom Woman, Show Up for Your Life and the newly released 28 Days of Prayer. 
Christian Hollywood Producer, Founder of, and Passionate Speaker
Erin Smalley has a passion to see women invest in healthy friendships and relationships!  She has authored and co authored many books with her husband, Dr Greg Smalley. Erin has also spoken at numerous marriage conferences for Focus on the Family. She is at ease in any setting where the audience is eager to grow in their family as well as spiritual relationships.
Terry Squires is a veteran author, speaker, television host and creator of many gift products for teens and adults. Her 20+ books include the bestselling  0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box;"> series, the Communicate Christ series, God’s Stories-My First Thoughts, Bible Stories for Bedtime, Ancient Heroes, created and contributed to the ONE Impact Bible, and now, I Seek Truth – Hachette/Worthy Publishing.
Former NFL quarterback, author, featured speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conferences who is passionate about marriage, family and leadership.
Five time cancer survivor, Erin encourages her audience to come alongside the next generation of girls to discover God’s love and their unique purpose. She is committed to changing the world’s current definition of beauty.